I have been lax in linking Ristretto-related articles. So what if two of them were written by me? These, via a weekly column for Pajamas Media, one on medium roasts, the other, on cupping. Infinitely more thrilling than the piece is the YouTube video my editor linked, of the lovely Nana Mouskuori singing, Black Coffee.
Also this month, the June issue of Bon Appetit has my recipe for blueberry-bran muffins, in the RSVP section. Though I'd like to be known the world-over for my writing, it seems I am currently famous as some chick who bakes muffins. I told Din, I really would prefer he did not have a popping muffin carved on my headstone. He said, "How about the recipe?" Until then:
Blueberry-Bran Muffins
Preheat oven to 350
Spray 12 large muffin cups (I use metal pans) well with pan spray.
2 cups sour cream
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup dark unsulphered molasses (not blackstrap)
2 cups unbleached white flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon kosher salt
6 cups wheat bran
2 cups frozen blueberries
In a large bowl, which together sour cream, eggs, sugar, oil and molasses. Add flour, baking soda, baking powder,
and salt, and whisk until combined. With a spoon or spaultula, stir in bran, then blueberries.
Divide between muffin tins. Bake about 30 minutes, until tops are set
but still spring back when touched. Cool muffin tins on racks. When
slightly cooled, remove muffins from tins, loosening around the edges
with a butter knife, if necessary.
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