... with a little help from our friends, few of who've been as adamant about spreading the gospel of Ristretto Roasters as Amy Alkon, longtime friend, Advice Goddess extraordinaire, daily imbiber of Sumatra, and tireless Ristretto booster. I cannot tell you how many people have ordered coffee from us online after reading in one of her blog posts that "it's like drinking velvet." I am not sure how she introduced the brew to Jake, but this is the email she received from him today:
Amy –
I don’t mean pave an already well-shaped path here, but I have to tell you something . . .
Ristretto has ruined all other coffee for me for life.
About a month ago, I told you I had purchased my first Mexican Chiapas and wondered aloud as to how it would compare with my beloved Peete’s.You told me you can’t even drink Peete’s anymore. To myself, I scoffed at the notion. OK it might be good, but completely supplant Peete’s? Come on.
Last Friday, I ran out of Ristretto beans. Then, in a moment of weakness and laziness, I purchased some Peete’s at the store.
This morning, as I sat down to begin my day with my freshly-brewed Peete’s, all I could think was “yuck.”
I placed my Ristretto order this morning and it can’t come fast enough.
Jake, Los Angeles
Take heart, Jake; your pound of Harrar went out today!
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