Following Cathy Seipp's roast last month in Los Angeles, a few of us headed over to Matt Welch and Emmanuelle Richard's backyard. The funniest person there was Andrew Breitbart, whom I'd met previously as his book party and various social events, but who I'd never actually sat and chatted with. He told many stories, most of which necessitated he stand up and do the voices and mannerisms of all the characters, a method close to my heart. Here, I think he's telling the story of how he got to third base with a girl he did not know after sneaking up to the front row of a concert in Orange County in the mid-80s, when he was something like sixteen. Between Matt and myself, we cannot remember which concert it was--Matt is leaning toward the Untouchables, but I say, that's way too hip; it was more a big arena draw, Springfield or Prince or REM.
Later, the talk turned to what I'd been doing since leaving Los Angeles. When I said something about Ristretto, Andrew sprung out of his chair like a Jack-in-the-Box.
"Coffee?! Coffee?! I drink a hundred tons of coffee a day!" he said. I told him, I could help, and sent down a few half-pounds a week or so ago.
This is the email I just got back.
Belated thanks for the most delicious coffee in the free world... As of today we are on a full Ristretto coffee diet and we're bouncing off the walls. We'd like to set up a system to send coffee to our house. We can't thank you enough for following through on your promise to send me God's finest product.
Thanks, Andrew! Anyone else: We can do the same for you. Shoot me an email at [email protected], and tell me how much you want and how often.
Photo by Jackie Danicki
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